Monday, January 6, 2014

Aastrom Biosciences (ASTM) and StemCells (STEM) Start 02014 Off Well

On the last day of 02013 I added to our Aastrom Biosciences (ASTM) and StemCells (STEM) holdings. ASTM and STEM had a difficult 02013, so I thought there was a chance these two stocks would rebound in 02014.

Today (02014.01.06) Zacks Equity Research rated ASTM a "strong buy". ASTM is up almost 18% since the end of 02013.

Today (02014.01.06) StemCells Inc. posted a "Letter to Shareholders". The following is the first paragraph from the letter.

Every day, the news media brings us word of some new advancement in the development of stem cell therapies. While you clearly comprehend the vast potential of stem cell therapeutics to transform the practice of medicine, it can be understandably difficult to assess which companies to bank on amidst so much hoopla and hyperbole. As CEO, one of my easiest and most gratifying jobs is to report our persistent progress to you — real evidence that StemCells, Inc. continues to be a clear frontrunner.

The second paragraph started with the following sentence.

What is more difficult is trying to understand our Company's stock performance for the year just ended.

STEM is up almost 12% since the end of 02013.

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