Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Babble, Babble, Babble

John Perry Barlow tweeted the following.
Markets can remain irrational longer that you can remain solvent. - John Maynard Keynes

I agree with Maynard!

Now I'll quote myself.

The risk/reward ratio these days: Risk a $1 and your reward is that you'll get your $1 back.

I agree with myself!

People like to make predictions and I is-a a people, so here's a prediction: I don't know if it will happen in 02012 (I think it will), but someday Google (GOOG) will hit a new all-time high.

I'm reading The Lights In the Tunnel: Where will advancing technology, job automation, outsourcing and globalization lead? Author Martin Ford wrote that the following was "worth noting" and I agree. "The meltdown started in 02007. As we are now in 02009, we know that the power of the computers on Wall Street desks has roughly doubled, even as the crises continued." It's now 02011, which means Wall Street's computing power has probably doubled yet again.

[update::2011.12.27] In his book "The Lights In the Tunnel," Martin Ford discusses the Luddite riots of 01812. From Economist.com on 4 Nov 02011--Difference Engine: Luddite legacy

[update::2011.12.27] Google (GOOG) didn't make new all-time today, but it did make a new 52-week high of $644.49 (previous $642.96). GOOG closed today at $640.25. GOOG all-time high is $747.24.

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